
People measure success along many dimensions in their professional and personal lives.

  • How much money do you make ?
  • How many people do you manage ?
  • What's your title ?
  • How many papers have you published ?
  • How long have you been married ?
  • How many children do you have ?
  • How big is your home ?

and so on.

For me, success isn't measured by any of these. Rather, success is measured the stories that I can tell. 

I try and take decisions everyday with this in mind.

Modi's High Expectations

Narendra Modi is now the prime minister of India.

Modi has yet to address his critics that implicate him in turning a blind eye to the atrocities of 2002. In addition, he is lauded for driving economic growth in his home state, Gujarat, over the past decade by ferreting out government corruption.

I am convinced, as is a significant fraction of the human population, that we are at cusp of dramatic changes for India.

We will either experience unprecedented growth and prosperity or unprecedented calamity. I hope it's the former, and this time, I hope not to watch from the sidelines.

Mindy Kaling is my hero, but ...

Mindy is the star of The Mindy Project. It's the funniest show on TV today. Or, should I say funniest show on Hulu, because since I started watching with Hulu, I lost track of what is and isn't TV anymore.

She's got wit --- that's rare.

She's my hero because she's breaking all barriers and taboos with success. She's Indian, in real-life and on TV. She's Hindu, in real-life and on TV.  She's a female comedy star. She's plus sized. She drinks. She eats. She has boyfriends, with an 's'.  All in real-life and on TV.

I admire her in many ways. But, as a father of three witty, Indian, Hindu girls growing up in the US, I have to ask. Mindy, do you really have to kiss so many boys, and must you do it on TV ?

Welcome to my musings.

I am a father, a husband, a techie, a data nut, and an amateur philosopher. 

I have so many thoughts and observations that derive from daily life. These crisp idea nuggets sit in my head and often wither away in a few days, before I really get a chance to share them. So, instead, I thought I'd put them in a place that I can return to and a place where others can go.

So here it is. I hope you enjoy it.